My name is Steven Purcell. I have a Bachelor of Science from Austin Peay State University in Applied Mathematics with a minor in Physics. My Master of Science is from Northern Illinois University in Data Analytics. I have professional experience in credit and debit card transaction data, healthcare data, and a variety of public and government data. In my current position, I develop machine learning processes, deploy them, and maintain machine learning operations. I have developed effective pipelines for clustering, fraud detection, anomaly detection, outlier analysis, and deep learning forecasting. I am passionate about automation and cloud development.
When I am not performing impressive acts of Data Science Ninjutsu, I enjoy kayaking, hiking, backpacking, rock climbing, and 3d printing. I collect action figures and comic books. I also enjoy beer, the hazier, citrus-y, and doublier the IPA, the better. I live in Virginia Beach and I’m very keen on protecting the Chesapeake Bay. I spend my downtime reading sci-fi and fantasy novels, playing Pokemon, and collecting things. My GitHub is full of half-finished projects that I constantly promise myself I will get back to, but I am always distracted by the next recreational coding project. I consider myself a generalist and I enjoy learning new technologies.
Some projects I am proud of: I wrote an Android app in Dart and Flutter that tells dad jokes guaranteed to make you roll your eyes. I used Go to fully automate database migrations in AWS to save myself an hour each time we needed to update data in the cloud.
I do not like beets, I think they taste strongly of dirt and they make my teeth red. I once sarcastically pretended to check the time on a nonexistent wristwatch and inadvertently spilled coffee on myself. Once, for $5, I juiced a hot dog. I don’t know why I did it.